Friday, October 10, 2008

The beginning...

So, I've always wondered what this whole "blogging" thing was about. I mean, who really wants to read me (or anyone else, for that matter) blather on about the various items I find interesting?

And then I read a few blogs other people have authored. Some were political. Some were satirical. Some were introspective. Some were just plain goofy. All in all, I found them mostly interesting.


Because they reveal something about the human condition. I have always taken pride in the fact that I enjoy learning. That I find joy in the acquisition of knowledge.

But that's just information. Facts. It's not the meat of human civilization.

The thoughts, feelings, perceptions, etc., of people? That's where civilization is found. the interest of furthering my own self-education as well as hopefully entertaining those around me from time to time, I embark on this escapade. I do intend to make this work out better than any of my previous efforts to journal my thoughts (which typically consist of anywhere between 2 and 5 entries covering a period of a couple months).

That said, I'm not promising daily, weekly or even monthly updates. However, I'm hoping that when I experience something that I believe is worth sharing that I will be motivated to do so.'s what's on my mind at the moment:

  • My awesome hometown of Toledo is run by an absolute buffoon. Carleton S. Finkbeiner (amazing how a name can come off as both pretentious and inane at the same time...I mean, seriously...Carleton is snooty...but Finkbeiner? That's a name? Since when? Which will lead to another thought later) has to be the absolute worst mayor in the history of mankind. I don't think I've ever witnessed anyone who is as egotistical, vain, insecure, bullying, and stupid all at the same time. Those of you familiar with Toledo politics know precisely what I'm talking about, because the cancer that is Carty has been in the public eye in the Glass City for as long as I can remember (and I'm in my 30s). The worst part? He will continue to be elected for as long as he wishes because the average voter in the city of Toledo has a political IQ that falls somewhere between Cynthia McKinney and a not-too-smart rock.

  • So... names. Those who know me well know that I am remarkably picky and judgemental when it comes to naming children. I don't think it will ever be possible to underestimate the intelligence of the average human being when it comes to choosing names for their progeny. One thing in particular that's been on my nerves lately? When parents try to make a traditional name "unique" by misspelling it. Something like naming their child Ashleigh. Sorry, numbskull, that name is spelled Ashley. That's it. It's the only legitimate way to spell it. Not Ashleigh. Not Ashlee. Not Ashli. None of them. If you're searching for a way to make your child unique, TEACH HIM TO BE A UNIQUE PERSON. Teach him that his personality will make him far more unique than any stupidly misspelled first name ever will.

Now, it occurs to me that this sort of ranting does not necessarily paint me as an "optimist." But, truthfully, I am. I believe fervently in the incredible potential of the human spirit. It's a large part of the reason that I chose my profession. We are beings of amazing ability. Through whatever mechanism we were created (and, of course, that's a topic about which I could write a lengthy ramble), we are truly awesome. And yet, so many of very many of us waste all of that potential on trivialities. And I'm not innocent. I openly admit to vegging out in front of the TV, watching some mindless drama or whiling away hours playing my PS3. But it saddens me when I see the general lack of intellectual curiosity among our younger generations. And I blame us all for that. We have descreased the intrinsic value of knowledge and increased our attention to materialism. It won't change until society changes.

And that's my help people realize that one can only truly be happy when they have managed to fulfill the basic needs.

Anyway...enough rambling for now. I'll check in again soon.

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