Saturday, August 1, 2009

I'm home...

...and EXHAUSTED. But it's a good kind of tired.

On the last leg of my drive from Dublin to Dundee, I was thinking about how good this summer has been for me. Mainly because this is the summer when I stopped making excuses and just DID stuff.

I mean, I've been talking and thinking about starting an exercise program. And this year, I finally did it. I've been talking and thinking about driving out west and seeing places I've never seen before. Finally got up the nerve to just do it. And that experience is remarkably empowering. I've fulfilled some true dreams of mine and had the reward of fantastic experiences.

It just makes me realize how much I hold myself back in life. And I think that's true of most people. We all come up with all sorts of very reasonable explanations for why we can't or shouldn't do the things we'd really like to. Sometimes, just have to go for it.

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