Saturday, July 25, 2009

Realities I can't escape...

I am truly an optimist. I believe that human beings are capable of many many things. Foremost among these things is the ability to learn, particularly from one's mistakes.

That said, I've come to the realization that I never have had, do not now possess, nor am I ever likely to develop a personality that will create in me a true blogger.

During my lifetime, I have made many attempts at written reflection. I've begun handwritten diaries. I've begun Microsoft Word documents that also acted as diaries. I've begun this blog.

In all cases, I made an honest effort to pour my thoughts out into textual form. The idea being to have something I can reflect on in later moments and possibly be able to grow from said reflection.

However, in every case, my enthusiasm for the task wanes fairly quickly. I don't know if it's a result of growing bored with the idea or if I just don't feel as though I have thoughts worthy of chronicling that day.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, I believe fervently in the human capacity for learning and changing. But I've also realized over the years that change only occurs after two things happen: recognition of the need for change and development of the desire for that same change.

So, I re-begin my blogging in the hopes that I will persist.

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